Partially born out of a search for an alternative intelligence as researchers became increasingly frustrated that IQ tests didn’t explain important life outcomes, EI initially surfaced in the 1990s and then became more popular in the 2000s with Dr. Daniel Goleman’s book.

Now, is “EI” the end-all, be-all of thriving, high-performance, and excellent leadership? No.

The research shows there are some situations or roles where EI matters a lot, and some where it matters less (and may even be detrimental). And the research also shows there are a host of other factors, including IQ, that play a role.

In the area where I work – the human dimension – in sports, business, leadership, and teams…emotions and emotional intelligence matter.

So what is EI?
“The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.” -Marc Brackett

Too easy, right?

Challenge yourself to consider these questions:

How consistently do you actually monitor your own feelings and emotions? How aware are you as they rise and fall, come and go within you?

How aware are you of others’ emotions and feelings?

How well can you identify the specific emotion you’re feeling at the most accurate intensity? Is it frustration or irritation? Is it joy or happiness?

When you’re experiencing emotions, do you view them as information or feedback? Or do you view them as an inconvenience or irrelevant?

Start Your Journey

Let me help you unlock the potential within yourself and your team so you can achieve the results you want to achieve. Send me a message to get the ball rolling in a new direction.